Monday, March 22, 2010

The Thank You Tree

Hey everyone! I had to make a Thank You card for a retirement community resident that allowed me to interview them as a part of my Psych rotation this semester so I threw together this Thank You Tree card and thought I would share it with you :) The Recipe is below the photos. Enjoy!

Bird and limbs blue paper- DCWV Green Stack
Brown paper for tree and mat layer- DCWV The Natural Stack
Tree cut at 3.5 inches from PDDU cart
Buttons- from two separate packets bought at Wally World!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

The WINNER Is.......................

msperry1008 said...
Yeah!!! #1 fan needs this... thanks for the

Friday, March 19, 2010

100 Followers Giveaway!

Ok peeps......... I promised a giveaway at 100 followers! Soooo............ I picked up an extra PINK Crop-a-dile Big Bite at wally world and it's in need of a home! To enter simply become a follower and leave a comment on THIS post! Make sure you do both! Good luck everyone! Even if you already have one, I'm sure you know a friend that doesn't! I will use the generator to choose a winner on Sunday evening at 8 pm Eastern time. GOOD LUCK!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Easter Treat Tutorial!

Hey everyone! I asked for requests on my Facebook fan page and I got a few for Easter goodies for school. I came up with these cute little goody cups! Enjoy! We will also be doing a giveaway when we reach 100 followers on the blog, so tell your friends!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Hiatus is over!

   There have been a few issues that have kept us away for a good month. One of which is pictured below, the other two I'll explain here. Garrett's last report card and progress report showed a major plummet in his grades. We felt that Garrett needed to refocus and it was very important that I keep him on the straight and narrow.
   The other issue that I'm not sure many of you know is that I am in Nursing school. This is my last semester of my Junior year and we started back in late January. It's a tough road but school and Garrett have really required my complete attention this semester.
   We have still been crafting, just not posting pictures or tutorials on the blog. Not to worry, we will be back at the tutorials very soon and I have a brand new video camera that should make filming SO much easier!
   The last thing I want to share for tonight is the NEW craft room! While M's had that 60% off coupon going and their storage just so happened to NOT be on sale, me, the DH, and Garrett visited TWO different M's almost EVERY day to get all the cubes to turn my den into an awesome craft space! Now I have room for two other friends to join me! I am sooooo excited! I call it my sanctuary! LOL. The pics aren't great, i took some fast ones with the camera on my Iphone but I wanted to give everyone a peek! Enjoy! Picture heavy!


WOOT WOOT! We won an award!!!

We are sooo excited! This is our first ever award! Ohhh Snap has sent us a Beautiful Blogger award and I am just stoked! So from what I gather, I need to list 7 thiings about myself and pass this award on to 15 other deserving peeps. Soooo............ let's see here.....
1. I'm naturally a blond and just color my hair dark
2. I'm in my last semester of my Junior year of Nursing school
3. I have two other children besides Garrett, a 16 year old daughter and a 15 year old son
4. My best friend is my younger sister
6. I'm the slowest scrapbooker on the face of the planet because I'm nuts about detail.
7. And finally............. we are trying to have another baby, just started this month, been planning for the last 7 months....... prayin' for a girl!

Ok enough about me, since this award is also for Garrett let's post 7 things you may not know about him......

1. His first name is Lance
2. He's made some cards that are better than some I've made (he is going to make a video on these!!)
3. He's addicted to XBOX 360 (UGH!)
4. He loves his ball python Zahara
5. He has ADD
6. He's an great shot, took two deer in one day this past season and also competes in pistol shooting competitions
7. And finally........... him and his big sister are best buds!

Alrighty I think that does it. If there is different information that Garrett would like to share I'll let him make a separate post because right now he's at school and I was just too excited to NOT post this right now! Also, I will be posting up pictures along with an explanation of what has had us on a hiatus for a month! We haven't forgotten about the blog and we love all our followers!!! I think when you see it, you'll understand!

Ok, on to who we chose for the Beautiful Blogger award!

1. Elaina Grace Designs : she makes the most adorable pillow case dresses and incredible hair bows! She does hair bows and clippie giveaways all the time!

2. Craft Junkie Too : Garrett just loves her projects. He finds many of Tracy's projects kid friendly.

3. The Scrapping Cat : I just LOVE her layouts and cards! Carolyn made the most awesome family tree! You gotta check her out!

4. Scrap Crazyyyy : This lady has to be the most creative person I've seen! Who the heck would think to make sock ice cream?! Simply incredible!

5. Lena's Creations : If you aren't inspired or motivated... just go visit Lena's blog. Her projects are so amazing! Just a scroll through this blog will get your booty in gear!

6. Purtty Paperz : I want to LIVE in her cards......... just visit, you'll see what I mean! Simply breath taking.

7. Stacey's World : I just love Stacy's cards. Some of her cupcake cards I could literally eat. She is a jack of all trades!

8. Popsicle Toes : OK, she has quite a few awards but not this one and you will totally see why when you check out her blog! Even her simple projects are so amazingly detailed (Which I am a total fanatic of)!

9. Bella Bug Creations : Margie's cards are wonderful! I want to know her secret on how she gets so much great stuff on normal size cards! Fantastic!

10. Peachy Paper Crafts : My 2 year old nephew caught me browsing this blog and said "ohhhh bootiful maybock! Lookie Angels!" That translates into Oh Beautiful Mailbox! Look at the Angels! And he is right! P.G Lamb's projects are really gorgeous. If my nephew see's that castle she made I'm in big trouble!

11. Creations by Barbara : Barbara does the most FUN projects! There isn't a single project on her blog that does just SCREAM fun! I'd love to have a day with Barbara!

12. Paper Pastimes of a Scrapbooking Mimi : There isn't a project, layout, or card she has done that I don't just love! AND she's in North Carolina! BONUS!

13. A Place for My Cards : This has to be my all time favorite card designer. Jeannie Phillips is unbelievable. I can sit and look at the cards on her blog for hours. If she lived even remotely close to me, I would beg her to let me make cards with her so I could learn all her secrets!

14. Crafts and Love : Her flowers are unreal! They totally put primas to SHAME!

15. Paper Pastime : Denise makes amazing projects AND she does the tutorials to go with! I have learned SO MUCH from her blog!


Monday, February 1, 2010

Tween Time Crafts Episode 3 and the WINNER of our Giveaway!

FINALLY! I am so very sorry this has taken almost an entire day longer than expected! We had a serious computer crash here at EAS Creations and I had to do the entire video over THREE times! MISERY! Anywho.... Grab the kiddo's and tune in for Garrett's third episode of Tween Time Crafts as he shows you how to make a super easy, personalized sign for your bedroom door! SWEET! Don't worry parental units.... the giveaway winner is announced at the begining of the video!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Tween Time GIVEAWAY!!!!!

OK I am SOOOO sorry! I know this is sooo late but my DH and I could NOT get out of Joann's this evening! Ok so everything you need to know is in the video... GOOD LUCK!!!!!

Tween Time Crafts: Episode 2

Hey everyone!!! Garrett has his second episode of Tween Time Crafts all ready for you! Sometime tomorrow I will also be posting a surprise!!!!!!! Keep your eyes peeled!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Xyron Sticker Maker tutorial and tips!

I put together a quick tutorial on the Xyron 5" sticker maker for a really sweet scrappin momma. Sorry it took so long to get it posted but Youtube decided to give me an error after an hour and twenty minutes so I had to start all over! I hope this helps and watch for the tip on how to get those little "Boogers" off your die cuts BEFORE removing them from the backing!


Monday, January 18, 2010

Tween Time Crafts: Episode 1

Join Garrett as he shows you how to make Valentine's Day Treat Bags for your classmates! No more boring little cards!

MAJOR Brownie points for the DH!

       So the DH took me to Michael's on Friday....... Now normally he's right on my heels, patiently watching as I carefully select the best deals, probably tallying up the total cost as I drop each carefully chosen item into my basket. I always cruise through the clearance section that is nestled in the very back corner of the store. Since I purchased my cricut in November we have been making these usually weekly trips to Michael's. There is always something on sale that I just have to have!
       Anywho.... since November, back in the clearance section, there has been this craft cart that I've just been dying for. The box was ripped and looked a bit beat up but that didn't bother me. The cart was marked down to $49.99 which being in nursing school and only having the DH's income, I just could bring myself to bat my eyes for.
       As I proceeded to find the 14 sponge's on a stick (As I like to call them) for a dollar, I realized that my DH was no longer behind me. Feeling that was odd but barely giving it a second thought, I carried on to the ribbon section to find some pretty spools on sale for a dollar each! It wasn't until I had returned to the scrapbooking section to find a regular priced item to use my coupon with that my DH found me.
       He asked me "You about ready?" to which I replied "Yep just looking for my one regular priced item". Then he proceeds to say "OK, I'm just waiting for them to bring your thing up to the front", to which I of course replied "What thing?". When the DH said "Your cart" I managed to choke out something to the effect of... "Oh you don't have to do that, it's still 50 dollars and I know we can't afford the extra expense right now". To which HE replied "HA! I'm not paying 50 bucks!".
       Puzzled, I questioned him and he told me how he talked to a sales lady, reminding her of how long the cart had been sitting in the clearance section, taking up space and gathering dust. He proceeded to offer her 20 bucks for the cart to which she replied that she would have to ask her manager. Well.... she did ask her manager and his reply was "Give it to him"!!!!!!!!!! 
       Now who would have thought to haggle with a manager of Michael's?! So I present to you, my hundred dollar cart that my DH purchased for TWENTY BUCKS!!!!!!!!!!! WOOT WOOT!!!! It is now my Cricut Station!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

I promised you a happy dance.........

A while back we won two different carts from two different places. One was from Christmas with the Cricut in which we won Home Decor. The other cart, STAMPED, was from Provocraft. Both carts should arrive sometime this week but my sneaky 12 year old son decided he'd do the happy dance without me so I just HAD to post it! Enjoy!


A Little Encouragement

Hello Hello! I had a video for this card but it just didn't come out well. This is an encouragement card that I made for my sister who is embarking on a new diet. As I am sure some of you know, diets are difficult and a great deal of support is needed to be successful! I hope everyone enjoys my little encouragement :)

Monday, January 11, 2010

Finally! My first video!

Ok so here it, or should I say THEY are! By the request of some wonderful ladies on the cricut message boards, I have completed a video tutorial on glass etching! With the help of my 12 year old son, and a lot of "do overs", we present to you: ME! In The Etching of the Glass, LOL!
Video 1

Video 2

If you liked the video, you learned something new, or it was helpful to you and you would like me to do more videos, please let me know! Leave me a comment, become a follower and let me know what you'd like to see next! Thanks for watching!


Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Lovely Ladybug, Who Are You For?

The men in my life just love this card for some reason. Even though it has a little lady bug on it! My 12 year old son insisted I post this card immediately, even though the stickles are still wet! Enjoy! The materials I used will be listed below the picture. Thanks for looking and remember.... I <3 comments!

Ladybug: From My Garden cart
Scallop and circle: Winter Woodland cart (Yes really!)
White cardstock: Georgia Pacific
Black Cardstock: Embassy
Solid Red cardstock: Best Occasions
Red Foil Cardstock: Me & My Big Ideas

A Birthday Card for Leiren... WOOT WOOT 21!

Alrighty.... just for those that do not know, I am a 3rd year nursing student (at 34, YIKES!) and have quite a few very young girlfriends. I have spent the last three years with some very special gals and we have become quite close. Many of them will turn 21 this year (An age I don't think I miss!) so expect a lot of birthday cards, lol. My friend Leiren will celebrate her birthday on Sunday, January 10th and I made this card for her! I will list the items used below the pics. Enjoy and leave me comments! I love to read about what you think!Remember you can click on each photo for a larger version. This will allow you to easily read the text :)

Foundation card: Martha Stewart Craftstock
White Cardstock: Georgia Pacific Card Stock
Green Cardstock & both patterns used for butterfly: DCWV The Sorbet Stack
Brads: Making Memories
Dotted Ribbon: Basic Basic
White Ribbon: Offray
Purple Ribbon: doesn't say :(

CHIRP MB Mention!

WOW! Ok, so I had NO IDEA that I had been mentioned in the message board section of the CHIRP! I had posted the pate I had made my sister as a house warming/Christmas gift in the Cricut Crafts section of the message boards and hadn't checked on it in a while. Thanks to a PM from one of the lovely ladies that frequents said message boards, I checked to find that MANY ladies wanted instruction on how I made my plates! WOW what an honor! Seeing as I started a 1920's history class yesterday, I won't be able to make a picture or video step by step instruction on glass etching until this weekend but I will DEFINITELY get one posted! I am so tickled that everyone liked my plates! I can tell you that they drove me insane. ESPECIALLY my sisters plate because I DID NOT use transfer tape like a total GOOBER and I will not try that ever again! So, I will do some sort of instruction and get it posted by the weekend! In the mean time, I will dazzle you with a birthday card that I am getting ready to post. I <3 comments and followers so follow and uhhh... comment! lol

Saturday, January 2, 2010

The Hobby Lobby Experience!

So we don't have a Hobby Lobby anywhere near where I live. There is a Michael's right down the street, the almighty Archiver's which I LOVE LOVE LOVE about 20 minutes away, as is AC Moore, but NO Hobby Lobby. So while we were visiting our friends in Hickory, NC I insisted we stop in. I knew they were having some sales on ribbon and embellishments, stamps, etc... I must say I was VERY impressed at how neat, tidy, and CLEAN the store was. I believe the only item that HL had less of than M's or ACM was clear stamps. I could have spent an hour in the ribbon alone. The staff was very friendly, polite and willing to stop whatever they were doing to help you, even if it meant walking all the way across the store to TAKE you to what you were looking for. I didn't have enough time to comb the store in detail unfortunately but I did pick up two spools of AWESOME ribbon for a buck each and three different packs of brads for 1.50 and 2.00. I took a lot of pics so you could see detail. Enjoy!

Michael's after Christmas goodies (And a few from Walmart)!

Ok finally! I am so sorry this post is sooooo very late! The family and I spent the New Year with some friends that live 3 hours away and for some reason, I COULD NOT get an internet connection there! I could barely get enough service to post an occasional tweet! So upsetting! So again, I must apologize for how late this post is. I have one complaint about this trip to Michael's let me just get it out of the way first so I can enjoy the rest of my post. Can I just say...... NOTHING was marked individually as being on sale. For example.... I had a 50% off coupon for one full priced item and as usual, you can't use it on Gypsy, Cricut, Yudu, etc.... Well my husband passed this really awesome shelf/ribbon holder that was 20 bucks and decided he'd like to get it for me. SWEET! So I dig out that coupon and hand it to him. I just happened to have another one so I had my son purchase the bottle o' flowers with that one and then I used the additional 25% off the ribbon coupon. So we all line up at the register, I had my son some cash as my husband is informed by the VERY pleasant employee dude (Yes it was a guy and he was awesome!) that he cannot use the coupon because the item is already 50% off. Well sweet but........ why was this not posted?! I mean HELLO! I also noticed that they had quite a few holiday packs of DCWV, K and Co, Me & My Big Ideas, etc... out in a middle isle but listed as 19.99? I know dang good and well those were on sale! So... I was peeved about that. On to the good stuff!

     So I took pictures of the few items I scooped up at M's and Walmart together. I didn't embark on a major shopping spree or anything, sadly! Anywho, between both stores, coupons, and sales, I think we spent a grand total of maybe 35 bucks? Heck, it may not have been that much. I am so excited that I was able to pick up some ribbon and buttons for my sons football scrapbook page, which I also will have a VERY special announcement about coming up in the next few days. Can't make it just yet but it's great, I promise!
       I also have NOT forgotten about the happy dance I promised! I am hoping to get that recorded tomorrow (This means I have to put on makeup, oh Joy!) and uploaded (Never tried this before) to the blog shortly after. Oh! I almost forgot! I DID get to go to Hobby Lobby for the first time EVER while visiting our friends! I got some goodies there too! GREAT embellishments and ribbon, ALL 50% off and spent a grand total of 7 bucks and some change. WOOT WOOT! I will post those tomorrow.... MAYBE tonight if I stay up much longer! I just LOVE crafty STUFF. I'd rather go use a coupon EVERY day and only get one thing and spend 5 bucks or less, than only get to go on one decent spree every couple of months! Ok, enjoy the pics, leave me some comments, and I will see you soon scrappers!

from M's
*shelf- 9.99
*bottle of flowers- 3 bucks and some change
*ribbon- 3 bucks and some change
from Wally World
*Martha Stewart self healing mat- 10 bucks
*bag of buttons- 2.99
*Martha Stewart embellishments that I call gumdrops- 4 bucks